20+ Funny Things To Say After Guess What Ideas & Examples

Are you tired of the same old responses after someone says “Guess what”? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll explore a collection of funny and witty responses that are sure to bring a smile to your face. Whether you’re looking to lighten the mood, engage in playful banter, or simply inject some humor into your conversations, we’ve got you covered. So, get ready to discover the perfect funny things to say after “Guess what” and leave everyone laughing!

What To Say After Guess What Funny

  • Ans: “Prepare yourself for this mind-blowing revelation: I just discovered that the secret to happiness is eating pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!”
  • Ans: “Guess what? I just found out that the squirrels in my backyard have formed a secret society and are plotting to take over the world. I’m keeping a close eye on them!”
  • Ans: “Hold on to your hat! I just learned that the reason why socks disappear in the laundry is because they have a secret portal to another dimension. It’s a sockspiracy!”
  • Ans: “You won’t believe it! I just discovered that the real reason why dinosaurs went extinct is because they couldn’t resist dancing to disco music. It was their downfall!”
  • Ans: “Get ready for this shocking news: I just found out that the moon is made of cheese! No wonder it’s so tempting to take a bite.”

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Witty Things To Say After Guess What

Perfect Funny Things To Say After Guess What

  • Ans: “You won’t believe it! I just discovered that unicorns are real, and they’re opening a coffee shop down the street. I can’t wait to try their magical brew!”
  • Ans: “Well, brace yourself for this one. Turns out, the secret ingredient in grandma’s famous apple pie is… pickles! Who would’ve thought?”
  • Ans: “Prepare to have your mind blown! I just found out that cats are actually aliens in disguise. No wonder they’re so mysterious!”
  • Ans: “Guess what? I just won the lottery! Just kidding, but wouldn’t that be amazing? I’ll settle for a free coffee coupon instead.”
  • Ans: “Hold on to your seat! I just discovered that the Earth is flat… at least according to my cat. She’s been plotting world domination from her cardboard spaceship.”

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Witty Things To Say After Guess What

  • Ans: “Oh, you think you have a good guess? Well, I bet you a dollar and a donut that you’re wrong!”
  • Ans: “You’re getting warmer… just kidding, you’re actually freezing cold. But nice try!”
  • Ans: “I could tell you, but then I’d have to make you listen to my terrible karaoke rendition of ‘Baby Shark.’ Trust me, it’s not worth it.”
  • Ans: “I’ll give you a hint: it involves a chicken, a penguin, and a unicycle. Any guesses? No? Well, neither do I!”
  • Ans: “I’ll give you a clue: it rhymes with ‘banana.’ And no, it’s not ‘cabana’ or ‘Hannah Montana.'”

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Humorous Things To Say After Guess What

  • Ans: “You’re never going to believe this, but I just found out that the tooth fairy is actually a retired pro wrestler. She traded in her spandex for wings!”
  • Ans: “Guess what? I just discovered that the secret to eternal youth is eating an entire tub of ice cream every day. I’m starting my fountain of youth diet ASAP!”
  • Ans: “Prepare to be amazed! I just learned that the Loch Ness Monster is actually a misunderstood sea cucumber with a fabulous sense of fashion.”
  • Ans: “You won’t believe what I just found out! Apparently, the Bermuda Triangle is just a Bermuda Square that got a little too excited and stretched itself out.”
  • Ans: “Guess what? I just invented a new dance move called the ‘awkward turtle.’ It involves flapping your arms and shuffling your feet. It’s a guaranteed hit at parties!”

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Funny Things To Say After Guess What Over Text

  • Ans: “Hold on to your phone! I have some news that will make your emojis do the happy dance.”
  • Ans: “Guess what? I just discovered a new species of emoji. It’s called the ‘confused pineapple.’ I’ll send you a picture!”
  • Ans: “You’re not going to believe this, but I just found out that texting is actually a secret form of exercise. So, keep those thumbs in shape!”
  • Ans: “Prepare to be amazed! I just learned that autocorrect is actually a mischievous gremlin that loves turning ‘duck’ into something else entirely.”
  • Ans: “Guess what? I just discovered a hidden treasure in my text messages. It’s a hilarious meme that will make you laugh out loud. Get ready!”

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Perfect Funny Things To Say After Guess What


In conclusion, adding a touch of humor to your conversations after someone says “Guess what” can be a great way to lighten the mood and create a memorable interaction. We’ve explored a variety of funny responses that are sure to bring a smile to your face and keep the conversation lively.

So, the next time someone says “Guess what,” don’t be afraid to unleash your wit and humor. Remember, laughter is the best icebreaker! For more entertaining and informative conversation tips, visit our website and keep the laughter going.

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